Travel to Ghana

Discover the Best of Ghana’s Savannah Region: 5 Must-Do Experiences

The Savannah Region is a relatively new region in Ghana, but it is also the largest. With its vast size, the region has been divided into districts, each with its own capital. The capital of the entire Savannah Region is Damongo. While visiting this region, there are several attractions that you should not miss out on. In this article, we will explore five must-see places in the Savannah Region of Ghana.

1. Mole National Park: A Wildlife Lover’s Paradise

Mole National Park

If you are a fan of wildlife and enjoy spotting rare and endangered animal species, a trip to Mole National Park is a must. As Ghana’s largest wildlife refuge, the park is home to a diverse range of animals, including both flora and fauna. You can expect to see unique tree species and have the opportunity to spot some of the rarest animals in Ghana. The park is also blessed with the presence of River Lovi and Mole, adding to its natural beauty. During your visit, don’t forget to try the locally made honey, harvested by the locals using traditional methods. This honey is unique as it is made from flowers found in the vast Mole National Forest within the park.

2. Labaranga Mosque: A Historical and Architectural Marvel

Larabanga Mosque

The Labaranga Mosque holds great historical value and is considered the oldest mosque in Ghana. It is often referred to as the Mecca of West Africa by the local Ghanaian people. Unfortunately, the mosque is currently listed among the 100 Most Endangered Sites in the world by the World Monument Fund. Despite its endangered status, the Labaranga Mosque is definitely worth a visit, especially if you find yourself in the Savannah Region. Explore its rich history and admire its stunning architecture.

3. Kulmasa Crocodile Pond: A Hidden Gem

Kulmasa Crocodile

The Kulmasa Crocodile Pond, located in the Bole District of the Savannah Region, is a hidden gem that is yet to be fully discovered by many tourists. If you have a fascination with reptiles and enjoy watching them, this is the place for you. The pond is considered sacred and the local residents live peacefully alongside the crocodiles, often interacting with them. Though the locals express concern about the declining state of the pond as a tourist attraction, you still have the opportunity to witness the incredible interaction between humans and crocodiles.

4. Mognori Eco Village: Embrace Ecotourism

Mognori Eco Village

The Mognori Eco Village is a thriving hub for ecotourism in Ghana. Situated on the edge of the magnificent Mole National Park, this village offers a unique experience. Take part in various activities organized by the villagers, such as relaxing canoe safaris on the river. During the safari, you can spot crocodiles in the river and monkeys in the surrounding trees. Additionally, you can learn traditional medicine and shea butter making techniques. Join the villagers in their traditional dances and enjoy the vibrant drumming sessions.

5. The Salaga Slave Well and Market: A Historical Journey

The Salaga Slave Well

For history enthusiasts, The Salaga Slave Well and Market is a must-visit site in the Savannah Region. This area holds great significance as it was once the largest slave market in West Africa. Explore the wells that were used by slaves for drinking water, visit the burial sites, and witness the places where slaves poured libation. The museum in the area displays artifacts made and used by the slaves, providing a deeper understanding of this dark period in history.

In conclusion, the Savannah Region of Ghana offers a wealth of unique attractions for tourists. From the diverse wildlife of Mole National Park to the historical Labaranga Mosque, the region has something for everyone. Don’t miss the opportunity to visit the Kulmasa Crocodile Pond, witness the incredible interaction between humans and crocodiles. Immerse yourself in the ecotourism activities of Mognori Eco Village and delve into the history of the Salaga Slave Well and Market. Plan your visit to this hidden gem and discover the beauty and richness of the Savannah Region in Ghana.

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