Travel to Ghana

Achimota Golf Club: Accra’s Finest Club

Golf in Ghana: Exploring the Rich History of Achimota Golf Club

Ghana, formerly known as the Gold Coast, was introduced to the game of golf by the British colonial masters as a means to alleviate boredom and homesickness. Over time, the sport spread across the country, with one of the best golf clubs in Accra being the renowned Achimota Golf Club. Situated within the lush surroundings of Achimota School, near the Achimota Forest, this club offers a truly exceptional golfing experience.

The History of Achimota Golf Club

In the early 1920s, golf tournaments were documented at the Beach Golf Course in Christianborg, Accra, as well as in other parts of Ghana such as Achimota, Kumasi, Sekondi, and Takoradi. It was during this period, in 1927, that Achimota School, then known as the Prince of Wales College, was established. Many of the school’s early teaching staff, including Principal Alexander Fraser, hailed from Scotland and brought with them a love for golf. However, the closest golf courses were located in Christianborg, making regular trips from Achimota to Accra time-consuming and tiring due to the poor road conditions and unreliable transportation.

Recognizing the suitability of the Achimota School grounds for a golf course, the staff formed “The Staff Club” in the early 1930s, which later became an official part of the school’s amenities. The club appealed to the Anti-Malaria authorities, highlighting the fact that the overgrown grass and shrubs surrounding the school provided ideal breeding conditions for mosquitoes. As a result, in 1934, a seven-hole golf course was established, and the Achimota Staff Golf Section was formed. This development significantly reduced the need for staff members to travel to Accra for a game, allowing them to enjoy golf within the familiar Scottish tradition.

The Modernization of Achimota Golf Course

Over the years, the golf course expanded to nine holes, with only the school staff and a select few honorary members from the community playing on it. The year 1940 marked a significant milestone for Achimota Golf Course, as it hosted the Ghana Open Championship for the first time. As other golf courses in Accra gradually disappeared, the school opened its Club House to the general public in 1955. By 1959, the course was consistently played at full capacity, prompting the club to limit membership to 350 players, resulting in a waiting time of over a year for new applicants.

To address this inconvenience, the club proposed an extension of the course. With the school’s generous provision of additional land, the course was expanded by another nine holes. Construction of the new holes began in 1967 and was completed in 1970. Subsequent years saw various small-scale improvements to the course, including the addition of hazards, tree planting, fairway regression, and changes to the sequence of play, all aimed at raising the course to contemporary standards.

In 1983-1984, the sequence of play was rearranged to provide better balance and visibility for spectators in the clubhouse. Through feasibility studies and borehole drilling, the club confirmed the availability of water and made the decision to upgrade the course to international standards by implementing an irrigation scheme. In 2010, an agronomist assessed the course and provided a report that served as a baseline document for Ryder Cup Captain Paul McGinley, a renowned professional Irish golfer. Tullow Oil also supported the project, joining forces with Paul McGinley to rehabilitate Achimota Golf Course.

The Achimota Golf Academy

In 2012, the construction of two greens and the transformation of the Driving Range into a Golf Academy were completed. The academy has played a vital role in increasing awareness and interest in the sport, while also providing training for aspiring golfers who have gone on to become professionals. Following the reconstruction of the course and the Club House, Tullow Oil handed over the new facility to the club for management in 2015.

Today, Achimota Golf Club boasts an internationally designed golf course by Mr. Paul McGinley, a well-stocked PRO shop sponsored by Tullow Oil, a fully equipped kitchen, and a first-class bar and lounge. The club warmly welcomes both beginners and experienced golfers, offering a day well spent on the fairways. For more information, visit their Facebook Page.


Achimota Golf Club stands as a testament to the rich history of golf in Ghana. From its humble beginnings as a seven-hole course to its expansion into a world-class golf facility, the club has provided countless golf enthusiasts with a place to enjoy the sport. With its picturesque surroundings and top-notch amenities, Achimota Golf Club continues to be a premier destination for golfers in Accra.

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